Walker Ranch

by on Sep.26, 2009, under Uncategorized

A little further than my normal Boulder ride, but I now had plenty of time. It’s even more scenic and tucked in from the highway, though a climb through most of the ride.

Boulder Creek this far out from the city seems a lot cleaner. There’s also some elevation change in the creek bed which adds to the splendor.

Of course, I had to ride it in the "other" direction and carry the bike up the stairs.

It just gives me more time to play with water.

Since there were far more hikers than bikers, it gave me a good chance to practice my interaction skills. I think I had at least ten conversations with the other users. All of them were very pleasant and were very pleased to have volunteers spreading good will. A smile and a handshake go a long way to keeping the trails open to mountain bikes and even increasing the amount of areas open to them.

Now, if we could only get this little stretch of area between Walker and Marshall Mesa area opened up. That would be one sweet Front Range ride!

It’s amazing how much the back of the Flat Irons look like the front.

Of course, no Colorado ride is complete without the view.

This was probably the bluest day I can remember since January. Not even a puff of cloud. Temps in the 70’s and a nice breeze. It just kind of makes you say, ah.

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